Below you will find some projects that I have been working on recently. The source can always be found on my GitHub.
Developed for the first project week for the ESMT Berlin Coding Bootcamp. Working in a team of 3 and using GitHub to track issues and assign work. Cooknbook queries three different APIs to retrieve nearby restaurants, display them on a map and display alternative recipe ideas (in case you're on a budget!).
Word Guess Game
Developed for a homework assignment for the ESMT Berlin Coding Bootcamp. It is a simple JavaScript implementation of the classic game Hangman, with a hacker theme. Enter at your own risk!
Code Quiz
Developed for a homework assignment for the ESMT Berlin Coding Bootcamp. It is a simple JavaScript quiz that will test you on your knowledge. Features difficulty selector (loads different set of questions), a timer, a highscores page using localStorage
Day Planner
A simple JavaScript Day planner app - uses localStorage to let a user plan out the day ahead. Uses Moment JS to work with time and date.
Weather Dashboard
Developed for a homework assignment for the ESMT Berlin Coding Bootcamp. This project uses the Open Weather API for weather, the Leaflet JS for the map, OpenStreetMap for map tiles and Bootstrap for layout. The user can optionally search for their current location, which uses the Geolocation API. This then displays the current weather as a label on the map as well as a five day forecast below.
New York Times archive search
Developed for an in-class assignment for the ESMT Berlin Coding Bootcamp. It is a simple JavaScript frontend to search the New York Times archive using a user-provided search term. Additional search parameters are implemented.